Sorry, the page Raport curent întocmit conform prevederilor art. 226 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 297/2004 privind piaţa de capital, art. 21, alin. (1), Codul Bursei de Valori Bucureşti-operator de sistem is not available in En.

Welcome to Alum S.A.

Alum Tulcea is the sole alumina refinery in Romania, with a capacity production of 600,000 tpy. Alro Slatina mainly uses the company’s output, for aluminium production.

In 2009, Alum restarted after a complex upgrading program that began in February 2007. The reopening of the plant has involved hiring 470 people, having currently more than 700 employees.

The company has replaced part of the existing equipment in order to make the production process more efficient and also to be in compliance with the European norms on environment protection. After the implementation of the upgrading program, the technological flow has been optimized, resulting in competitive production costs.

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