Nomination proposal for the Board of Directors of SC. Alum S.A. Tulcea
Thu, 04/16/2009 - 00:00
To the General Shareholders’ Meeting of S.C. Alum S.A. Tulcea
The undersigned Dobra Gheorghe, president of the Board of Directors of S.C. Alum S.A. Tulcea, basis on art. 1371 paragraph (2) of the Law no. 31/1990 regarding the trading companies, republished with the later modifications, nominates as a candidate for the position of member of the Board of Directors of S.C. Alum S.A. Tulcea, Mr. Marin Cilianu, Romanian citizen, born on 24.10.1965 in Caracal city, Olt county, domiciled in Slatina, Olt county, no. 1B Grigore Alexandrescu street.
The undersigned Dobra Gheorghe, president of the Board of Directors of S.C. Alum S.A. Tulcea, basis on art. 1371 paragraph (2) of the Law no. 31/1990 regarding the trading companies, republished with the later modifications, nominates as a candidate for the position of member of the Board of Directors of S.C. Alum S.A. Tulcea, Mr. Marin Cilianu, Romanian citizen, born on 24.10.1965 in Caracal city, Olt county, domiciled in Slatina, Olt county, no. 1B Grigore Alexandrescu street.
I make the present nomination regarding point 9 of the General Shareholders’ Meeting’s Agenda summoned for April 29 2009 (first meeting) or April 30 2009 (the second meeting, in case the quorum’s establishment failure) which shall take place at the Company’s headquarters in Tulcea, no. 82 Isaccei street, Tulcea County.
Dr. Eng. Dobra Gheorghe
President of the Board of Directors of S.C. Alum S.A